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Smoking cigarettes accutane.Acne and smoking: is there a relationship?

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Smoking cigarettes accutane


Metrics details. There are contradictory reports on the relationship between acne vulgaris and cigarette smoking. The objective of this study was to examine the relation between acne and cigarette smoking in a case-control study. A questionnaire on smoking habits was offered to patients with acne vulgaris and patients suffering from skin diseases other than acne, aged 15 — 40 years, attending in a skin clinic in Tehran, Iran.

The patients completed the questionnaires anonymously in the waiting room. Two hundred and ninety-three patients with acne response rate Twelve acne patients 4. But after adjustment for sex, this difference was not significant odds ratio: 0.

Peer Review reports. Acne vulgaris is a common, chronic inflammatory disease of pilosebaceous follicles. Several factors have been suggested to influence acne including diet, menstruation, sweating, UV radiation, stress, and occupation [ 1 ]. Although some studies have shown that cigarette smoking aggravate acne [ 2 , 3 ], others did not confirm this association [ 4 ], or even showed a protective effect [ 5 ]. Therefore this study was undertaken to evaluate the relationship between acne vulgaris and cigarette smoking.

Three hundred and fifty patients with acne vulgaris and a similar number of patients with skin diseases other than acne, aged 15 — 40 years, attending in a skin clinic in Tehran, Iran were asked to complete a questionnaire on smoking habits anonymously in the waiting room. Acne was diagnosed on a clinical basis by the presence of either of comedones, papules, pustules, nodules or cysts but those with only acne scars and no active lesions were not included.

Current smoking was defined as smoking at least one cigarette in a week. All data were analyzed with the SPSS for windows release Two hundred and ninety-three patients with acne and patients with other skin diseases completed the questionnaires response rates of Assuming a 2-sided significance level of 0. The mean age of the patients in the acne group was There were 9 smokers among 64 males with acne and 20 smokers among without it odds ratio: 0.

Also there were 3 smokers among females with acne and 7 smokers among without it odds ratio: 0. We could not find any association between acne and smoking in this study.

Although patients with acne were less likely to smoke, but this association was not present after adjustment for sex. The patients included in this study had a wide age range i. As a consequence we could not separate factors associated with acne onset from changes in personal habits occurred during the course of the disease. Mills for the first time studied the association between acne and smoking [ 5 ]. He studied patients with acne through a questionnaire on smoking habits and found that So he suggested that some component of cigarette, possibly nicotine, has an anti-inflammatory action on acne.

We compared the acne patients with patients with other skin diseases attending the same clinic in the same time period, and believe that they are more suitable as a control group that national statistics. Also Mills studied patients with severe acne under treatment with isotretinoin, whereas this study included patients with all forms of acne. Jemec et al [ 4 ] studied the prevalence of acne and the smoking habits of a random sample of to year-old subjects and found that Although we used a different approach, a case-control design, reached a similar conclusion.

On the other hand, Schafer et al [ 2 ] examined persons, aged 1—87 years, in a cross-sectional study and found the overall prevalence of acne was Acne prevalence was significantly higher in active smokers as compared with non-smokers Smoking has been associated with several adverse effects on the skin [ 6 ]. But protective effects of smoking against certain inflammatory diseases, such as ulcerative colitis [ 7 ], acne rosacea [ 8 ], pemphigus vulgaris [ 9 ], and recurrent aphthous stomatitis [ 10 ] have also been reported.

Available data do not support any association between acne vulgaris and smoking. Oxford: Blackwell Science; —2. Google Scholar. Br J Dermatol , — Green J, Sinclair RD: Perception of acne vulgaris in final year medical student written examination answers. Austral J Dermatol , 98— A population-based study of acne vulgaris, tobacco smoking and oral contraceptives. Dermatology , — Article PubMed Google Scholar.

Clin Exp Dermatol , — J Am Acad Dermatol , — Digestion , — Clin Exp Dermatol , —3. Int J Dermatol , — Article Google Scholar. Axell T, Henricsson V: Association between recurrent aphthous ulcers and tobacco habits. Scand J Dent Res , — Download references. You can also search for this author in PubMed Google Scholar. Correspondence to Alireza Firooz. Reprints and Permissions. Firooz, A. Acne and smoking: is there a relationship?. BMC Dermatol 5 , 2 Download citation.

Received : 30 October Accepted : 24 March Published : 24 March Anyone you share the following link with will be able to read this content:. Sorry, a shareable link is not currently available for this article. Provided by the Springer Nature SharedIt content-sharing initiative. View archived comments 2. Skip to main content. Search all BMC articles Search. Acne and smoking: is there a relationship? Download PDF.

Abstract Background There are contradictory reports on the relationship between acne vulgaris and cigarette smoking. Methods A questionnaire on smoking habits was offered to patients with acne vulgaris and patients suffering from skin diseases other than acne, aged 15 — 40 years, attending in a skin clinic in Tehran, Iran.

Results Two hundred and ninety-three patients with acne response rate Conclusion An association between acne and cigarette smoking was not found in this study. Background Acne vulgaris is a common, chronic inflammatory disease of pilosebaceous follicles. Methods Three hundred and fifty patients with acne vulgaris and a similar number of patients with skin diseases other than acne, aged 15 — 40 years, attending in a skin clinic in Tehran, Iran were asked to complete a questionnaire on smoking habits anonymously in the waiting room.

Results Two hundred and ninety-three patients with acne and patients with other skin diseases completed the questionnaires response rates of Table 1 The amount and duration of smoking in acne and control patients Full size table. Discussion We could not find any association between acne and smoking in this study. View author publications.

Additional information Competing interests The author s declare that they have no competing interests. Authors' contributions AF participated in the design and conduct of the study and preparation of the manuscript. RS participated in the design and statistical analysis of the study. SMD participated in the design and conduct of the study. MNK participated in the design and conduct of the study. All authors read and approved the manuscript. Rights and permissions Reprints and Permissions. About this article Cite this article Firooz, A.

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- Smoking cigarettes accutane

    View archived comments 2. You can also search for this author in PubMed Google Scholar. There were 9 smokers among 64 males with acne and 20 smokers among without it odds ratio: 0. So he suggested that some component of cigarette, possibly nicotine, has an anti-inflammatory action on acne. Read more on The Dermstore Blog about retinoids , both over-the-counter and prescription strength.

Although some studies have shown that cigarette smoking aggravate acne [ 2 , 3 ], others did not confirm this association [ 4 ], or even showed a protective effect [ 5 ].

Therefore this study was undertaken to evaluate the relationship between acne vulgaris and cigarette smoking. Three hundred and fifty patients with acne vulgaris and a similar number of patients with skin diseases other than acne, aged 15 — 40 years, attending in a skin clinic in Tehran, Iran were asked to complete a questionnaire on smoking habits anonymously in the waiting room.

Acne was diagnosed on a clinical basis by the presence of either of comedones, papules, pustules, nodules or cysts but those with only acne scars and no active lesions were not included. Current smoking was defined as smoking at least one cigarette in a week.

All data were analyzed with the SPSS for windows release Two hundred and ninety-three patients with acne and patients with other skin diseases completed the questionnaires response rates of Assuming a 2-sided significance level of 0. The mean age of the patients in the acne group was There were 9 smokers among 64 males with acne and 20 smokers among without it odds ratio: 0.

Also there were 3 smokers among females with acne and 7 smokers among without it odds ratio: 0. We could not find any association between acne and smoking in this study. Although patients with acne were less likely to smoke, but this association was not present after adjustment for sex.

The patients included in this study had a wide age range i. As a consequence we could not separate factors associated with acne onset from changes in personal habits occurred during the course of the disease.

Mills for the first time studied the association between acne and smoking [ 5 ]. He studied patients with acne through a questionnaire on smoking habits and found that So he suggested that some component of cigarette, possibly nicotine, has an anti-inflammatory action on acne. We compared the acne patients with patients with other skin diseases attending the same clinic in the same time period, and believe that they are more suitable as a control group that national statistics. Also Mills studied patients with severe acne under treatment with isotretinoin, whereas this study included patients with all forms of acne.

Jemec et al [ 4 ] studied the prevalence of acne and the smoking habits of a random sample of to year-old subjects and found that Although we used a different approach, a case-control design, reached a similar conclusion. On the other hand, Schafer et al [ 2 ] examined persons, aged 1—87 years, in a cross-sectional study and found the overall prevalence of acne was Acne prevalence was significantly higher in active smokers as compared with non-smokers Smoking has been associated with several adverse effects on the skin [ 6 ].

But protective effects of smoking against certain inflammatory diseases, such as ulcerative colitis [ 7 ], acne rosacea [ 8 ], pemphigus vulgaris [ 9 ], and recurrent aphthous stomatitis [ 10 ] have also been reported. Available data do not support any association between acne vulgaris and smoking. Oxford: Blackwell Science; —2. Google Scholar. Br J Dermatol , — Green J, Sinclair RD: Perception of acne vulgaris in final year medical student written examination answers.

Austral J Dermatol , 98— A population-based study of acne vulgaris, tobacco smoking and oral contraceptives. Dermatology , — Article PubMed Google Scholar. Clin Exp Dermatol , — J Am Acad Dermatol , — Digestion , — Clin Exp Dermatol , —3.

Int J Dermatol , — Article Google Scholar. Axell T, Henricsson V: Association between recurrent aphthous ulcers and tobacco habits. Scand J Dent Res , — Download references.

You can also search for this author in PubMed Google Scholar. Correspondence to Alireza Firooz. Reprints and Permissions. Bottom line is you have to personally make the choice as to whether you want to combine the use of these two drugs. I hope this is helpful. Read more on The Dermstore Blog about retinoids , both over-the-counter and prescription strength.

We cannot search for an empty value, please enter a search term. Question: Is it bad for you to smoke marijuana while using accutane? I'm not looking for pot is illegal and bad for you answer. I just want to know if pot while on accutane has any added health risks then if I was smoking without being on accutane? Answer: There is some controversy surrounding this question.

There is some controversy surrounding this question. To start there have been studies done on marijuana that indicate that the use of this can induce nervousness, panics, anxiety, etc.

On the other hand there are studies that indicate that it actually assists in reducing these symptoms. To be honest I do not know which is the correct answer here. Those against the use of medical marijuana state that smoking marijuana while also taking Accutane may increase the likelihood of depression, mood swings, anxiety, panic attacks etc.

Those for the use of medical marijuana are arguing that smoking while taking Accutane is going to relieve those symptoms. Bottom line is you have to personally make the choice as to whether you want to combine the use of these two drugs.

I hope this is helpful. Read more on The Dermstore Blog about retinoidsboth over-the-counter and prescription strength. We cannot search for an empty value, please enter a search term. Question: Is it bad for you to smoke marijuana while using accutane? I'm not looking for pot is illegal and bad for you answer. I just want to know if pot while on accutane has any added health risks then if I was smoking without being on accutane?

Answer: There is some controversy surrounding this question. Meagan, Esthetician Read more on The Dermstore Blog about retinoidsboth over-the-counter and prescription strength.

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localhost › Q&A › Accutane Questions. Smoking in general is not good for you but ESPECIALLY not on isotretinoin. First off, both isotretinoin & cigarettes delay wound healing so getting a small cut. localhost › Accutane › comments › sm. As I already mentioned, there is no contraindication between smoking and taking Accutane, so you can technically smoke while on the medication. localhost › can-you-smoke-while-on-accutane. Methods Three hundred and fifty patients with acne vulgaris and a similar number of patients with skin diseases other than acne, aged 15 — 40 years, attending in a skin clinic in Tehran, Iran were asked to complete a questionnaire on smoking habits anonymously in the waiting room. Google Scholar. So he suggested that some component of cigarette, possibly nicotine, has an anti-inflammatory action on acne. Answer: There is some controversy surrounding this question.

Read moreplying, I have to use only a dab enough to too blot onto the government and to be used not to smear it around the skin it self as the creme dries out skin causing mine to flake and peel. Up if used too much of it, it can find a visible white mark and is noticible. I still get the odd july weekly regardless if I use the creme and it cannot be used beforehand to use acne occurring it in the first time, it just is a girl for the acne when it twice happens.

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